Tag: Using

Why Do Hearing Aids Whistle

by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers

Time to Read: 5 minutes One of the most common complaints hearing aids users report is the dreaded whistle. The whistling is feedback. That is the

Why Hearing Aids Won't Give You '20-20' Hearing

by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers

Time To Read: 7 minutes You have poor eyesight, you get corrective lenses. Why can’t the same be done for poor hearing? Great question! Unfortunately

Can hearing aids stop background noise?

by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers

Time to Read: 4 minutes People who wear hearing aids become conscious of the background noise. The truth of the matter is background noise has always

Phonak's Roger Select iN

by Christo Fourie

Time To Read: 8 minutes Value Hearing founder Christo Fourie hosts an informative video series about hearing, hearing aids and accessories. Subscribe

Healthy Hearing In The Garden

by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers

Time to Read: 5 minutes Spring is a great time to get back into the garden. It’s a complete engagement of the senses - the sight of new growth, the

First person: what to expect from a hearing assessment

by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers

Time to Read: 6 minutes by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers We get our eyes tested regularly, we also go to the dentist to have our teeth checked - so why

Music To Your Ears

by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers

Time to Read: 7 minutes Getting hearing aids is music to your ears if you’re a music lover. We look at: What to do when music doesn't sound the same

Help! My hearing aids got wet!

by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers

Time to Read: 4 minutes Hearing aids are a remarkable piece of technology. In fact they’re mini computers in your ears. And as we know, water and

What are the best hearing aids?

by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers

Time To Read: 6 minutes There is a lot to consider when purchasing hearing aids. The first question we’re asked is which hearing aids are best. We

Annoying sounds you’ll hear when wearing hearing aids

by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers

Time to Read: 7 minutes People who are new to wearing hearing aids are often amazed at the sounds they hear - conversations with friends at a cafe,

How To Manage Single-Sided Deafness

by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers

Time To Read: 5 minutes What causes single-sided deafness What can be done to address single-sided deafness

How often should hearing aids be replaced?

by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers

Time to Read: 6 minutes

Troubleshooting Hearing Aids - a user’s quick guide

by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers

Time To Read: 9 minutes When you rely on your hearing aids, it's quite distressing when they don't appear to work. We have a guide on things you can

Why Can't I Have The Same Hearing Aids As My Friend?

by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers

Time to Read: 8 minutes I didn’t think I had hearing loss but my friend Mandy recently got hearing aids and she was just raving about them. Well, not

Why I Hate My Hearing Aids

by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers

Time to Read: 4 minutes

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