Value Hearing Deep Dive

What To Do If The CeruShield Isn’t Positioned Well to Be Removed

Written by Pauline Primrose-Heaney | Apr 16, 2020 1:02:09 AM

Time to read: 2 minutes


CeruShield Issues - What To Do If The CeruShield Isn’t Positioned Well to Be Removed

The CeruShield disk is designed to be used to both remove and replace the CeruShield in your Phonak Marvel or Unitron Discover hearing aid receiver.

It's a neat, compact design. However, you may occasionally encounter some difficulties in removing the existing CeruShield.

This can occur by vigorous brushing the end of the receiver when cleaning. This inadvertently  knocks the filter out of position, so that when you go to remove the CeruShield, it remains in the hearing aid receiver.

Place the receiver in the hole marked 1. The receiver should fit in with a smart click.

This issue is easily remedied by using the pick at the end of the brush tool (pictured below) to realign the CeruShield so that it can be removed.

To clarify, the CeruShield as you see it in the CeruShield disk is inverted when inserted into the hearing aid receiver.

So what you see in the CeruShield disk is different to the view you see in the receiver.

The CeruShield needs to sit in the receiver so that the mid-point is centred in the middle of the receiver.

Use the pick end of the brush tool to gently push one side of the CeruShield down to reposition it so that the mid-point is now centred.

You should now be able to use the CeruShield disk to remove the CeruShield. 

Please note that occasionally, you may not be successful in repositioning the CeruShield for removal using the disk. In this instance, you will need to use the pick of the brush tool to hook the CeruShield out of the receiver.

Watch our video on how to troubleshoot your Cerushield: