Value Hearing Deep Dive

Dehumidifiers Take Care Of Your Hearing Aids

Written by admin | Apr 27, 2015 6:44:00 PM

Time To Read: 2 Minutes

Hearing aids are sensitive electronic devices, and like most electronic devices, the one thing they don’t like is moisture. Let’s face it, hearing aids don’t come cheap, so it makes sense to protect your valuable investment and keep them functioning. Look after them and they’ll look after you.

In the rigours of daily life your hearing aids are bound to pick up moisture from sweat around the years, earwax, a humid environment, or even that little bugger of a grandchild squirting you with the garden hose (“gotcha grandad!”). Most hearing aids don’t like that sort of treatment one little bit.

So how do you protect your hearing aids from moisture? Well that’s where a dehumidifier comes in to its own. A dehumidifier dries out the digital circuits inside your hearing aids while you’re asleep.

They basically fall into two types – chemical or electrical. The chemical variety use a chemical desiccant in a container to take the moisture out of the air in which the hearing aids are stored.

The electrical variety heat the air, driving out the moisture in a drying compartment.

Whichever you choose, it’s important to remove the battery from a hearing aid overnight before placing it in the dryer.

Dehumidifiers are relatively cheap and an excellent investment that will protect your valuable hearing aids while reducing breakdowns for years to come.

Written by Mark Schneider


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