Value Hearing Deep Dive

Avoid Mistakes Made By New Hearing Aid Wearers

Written by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers | Apr 8, 2021 3:56:21 AM

Time to Read: 4 minutes

Getting and wearing hearing aids for the first time is a strange but empowering choice.

Strange, because you are suddenly more aware of your hearing in a way that you may never have been before. Empowering, because don’t have to worry about missing out on important conversations and you can go through your day with confidence, knowing you are hearing at your very best.

Like with any new tool and technology, it is important to take your time to get to know your hearing aids and to get reacquainted with hearing and listening.

Not taking the time to get to know your hearing aids

Hearing aids are remarkable devices and it is worth taking the time to read through the material that comes with your aids to better understand how they work. Just as you would go through the owner’s manual when you buy a new car, you should be doing the same thing with your brand new hearing aids.

Doing that refreshes your memory following your extensive appointment with your clinician and allows you to explore the features at your leisure. Don’t assume you know how your hearing aid works straight out of the box. Take the time and enjoy the process. You’ll find you will get much more from your aids.

Not pacing yourself

When you wear hearing aid for the first time, you’ll be hearing sounds that you may not have heard in a while. We know of one client who was concerned about the noise she heard in the car until she realised it was the sound of raindrops hitting the windscreen - a sound she had never heard before.

You’ll also hear other sounds, conversations particularly, with more clarity. That is a lot for your brain to take in. The sensory input takes a lot of get used to and can be physically draining.

Use this time to listen to your body and acknowledge that you might feel a little tired as your brain works to make neural connections.

Not attending your follow up appointment

The two above are among the main reasons why people don’t wear their hearing aids. We encourage people to wear their hearing aids for as long as possible to get used to wearing them. 

Not wearing hearing aids when you need them is not good for your hearing or your long-term health and wellbeing.

This is why we encourage all clients to attend their follow up appointment. This usually takes place two weeks following your fitting. This gives you time to get used to wearing your aids and to make observations to bring with you. The clinician will then make the adjustments to make sure you are feeling comfortable and that your hearing is at its best.

Fiddling excessively with the controls

It’s pretty neat to have a remote control for your ears and it can come in very handy when you’re looking for additional control. But it should be noted that hearing aids, thanks to very responsive microchips, do an excellent job in automatically switching programs and volumes on its own.

It can be tempting for new hearing aid users to continually adjust the volume on their hearing aid while in the ‘getting used to it’ phase. Wear the hearing aids for as long as you can at the volumes set by your clinician and use your aids a little longer each day.

But there is a balance. If you hearing aids genuinely feel uncomfortable or the volume is too uncomfortable, then do make an appointment for adjustments. Wearing hearing aids should feel as comfortable as wearing spectacles.

Wearing them in the shower

When you’re doing well with hearing aids, you might even forget you’re wearing them, but stop! Hearing aids are water resistant but they are not made to shower or to swim in. We have an article here on what you can do should your aids get wet.

Not caring for your aids

As with all tools, hearing aids need proper care and maintenance. As part of getting to know your hearing aids, one of the things you should be doing is learning how to take care of them.

Taking a few minutes a day to wipe over your hearing aids and replacing the wax filters as required will ensure they give trouble free operation.

Not being proactive in seeking information and support

As we’ve explained, wearing hearing aids for the first time requires practice and patience. It also can be a bit confusing and frustrating if things don’t go the way you expect.

The good news is that there is a lot of information available to help you comfortably wear and to get the most out of your hearing aids. You can get hold of that information from the comfort of your home

Value Hearing has lots of information on our website. You can use the search function on the site to get information on the latest hearing aids, and tips on how to wear and care for your aids. We have a YouTube channel with video tutorials and other helpful information.

And of course, you are welcome to phone or email Value Hearing with your questions, too.

By taking charge of your hearing, means you can enjoy life with greater confidence.