Author: Christo Fourie

Tune into the Festive Season

by Christo Fourie

Tune Into the Festive Season with Value Hearing's Exclusive Promotion!

Guide on Finding the Best Hearing Solutions

by Christo Fourie

Finding the right hearing solution can often be a confusing process. Here are a few things we recommend you do to help you get the best outcomes: Get

Importance of Having an Audiologist for your Hearing Health

by Christo Fourie

An audiologist is a professional who specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss and balance disorders. There are several reasons why

How does yawning affect hearing and how we hear ?

by Christo Fourie

Yawning is a common bodily function that is often associated with tiredness or boredom. However, did you know that yawning can also affect our

Guide on Selecting a Hearing Aid in the Modern Era

by Christo Fourie

The internet is full of articles detailing how to choose a hearing aid for you.

Hearing Aid Selection Re-Imagined and Re-Engineered

by Christo Fourie

Finding the right hearing aid can be a daunting task, even for an experienced hearing care professional like myself. Despite massive changes in

Once you work with an independent audiologist, it is hard to go back

by Christo Fourie

With so many hearing care options now available in Australia, why is choosing an independent hearing clinic the best way to go? One of the most

Preserve those thinking skills!

by Christo Fourie

Hearing aids help to keep your cognitive fitness in tip top shape.

Our ear wax can tell us a lot about what’s happening inside our bodies

by Christo Fourie

It really is not my favourite topic by any means and kind of yuck to talk about but just like most excretions out our bodies, ear wax can tell us a

Quickly and Accurately Find a Hearing Aid that Works Best for You

by Christo Fourie

Choosing the best hearing aid for you can be a daunting process, especially if you are presented with a number of options, that you don't fully

A Comprehensive Hearing Test and Hearing Aid Assessment vs a Basic Hearing Check

by Christo Fourie

At Value Hearing our team of audiologists believe in empowering you! After taking the time to carefully understand your needs and hearing issues, we

Hear Better in Background Noise

by Christo Fourie

For people with hearing loss, the number one complaint reported most often is that they cannot hear well when there is background noise, or when they

Do I need hearing aids?

by Christo Fourie

Whether a loved one or a professional says: "you need hearing aids", it can come as quite a shock and frankly be a bit upsetting. You may experience

EarTalk with Christo: Hearing Aids and AI

by Christo Fourie

Time to Read: 30 minutes

EarTalk July 2021 - Understanding hearing loss

by Christo Fourie

Time to read 40 minutes

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